Baseline-Rockway crossing public meeting
One of the safety concerns I hear about most is the need for a safe pedestrian crossing across Baseline Road between the Briargreen and Queensway Terrace South neighbourhoods. There are attractions, such as shopping, recreation, and parks, on both sides. For pedestrians and cyclists, walking to the nearest controlled intersection adds over a kilometre to their trip and many choose to cut across Baseline through traffic instead.
I asked staff to look at the problem and they found sufficient pedestrian traffic to merit adding a new traffic light at Baseline and Rockway, allowing safe pedestrian mobility. This will benefit residents who walk, use assistive devices like walkers and wheel chairs, and cyclists. The 2024 City budget included funding for the project and staff have been working on a functional design study.
City staff are holding an online public meeting about the design on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 from 6:30 to 8pm. Staff will present the design and answer questions. Following the meeting, residents will have an opportunity to provide feedback during the comments period that will be open for 2 weeks from July 26th - August 9th.
RSVP for the meeting link.