14 RSVPs

Field St sidewalk consultation

This event has already taken place.

The City is pleased to announce that plans are underway to add a new sidewalk on Field Street between Woodroffe Avenue and Iris Street.  The new sidewalk will improve conditions and safety for residents and children wishing to access St. Daniel School and transit routes along both Iris and Woodroffe.  Care has been taken to ensure the project results in minimal risk to mature trees along the street.  Details about the project will be posted online by May 17 and your feedback on the project will be invited.  The sidewalk is a capital project identified in the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan that is supported by policy to encourage people to walk instead of driving for short neighbourhood trips. 

A virtual event to describe the project will be held on the evening of May 24 at 7:00 pm. 

Here's the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84503472249?pwd=ZzdYWkpTUngxNHMzNkZzRlduZk1jQT09

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