Motion to review Advisory Committees

I’m bringing a motion to Council today focusing on our citizen Advisory Committees and other volunteer bodies that advise Councillors on important issues.

The Council Governance report recommends staff review this, for the first time in 10 (or possibly 20) years. The current structure has existed since before amalgamation. The world is a very different place and our participatory processes should reflect our current reality...

I believe in citizen engagement. I believe that residents deserve to know how they are being listened to.

My motion has Councillors, not staff, take the lead on this review. It’s important to show that we value and respond to what the public has to say.


Aujourd’hui, je présente au Conseil une motion portant sur nos comités consultatifs de résidents et d’autres organismes bénévoles qui informent les conseillers et conseillères au sujet de questions importantes.

Le Rapport sur l’examen de la structure de gestion publique du Conseil recommande au personnel d’examiner cette question pour la première fois en 10 (ou peut-être 20) ans. La structure actuelle existe depuis avant la fusion. Le monde a beaucoup changé depuis et nos processus participatifs devraient refléter notre réalité actuelle.

Je crois en l’engagement des résidents. Je suis d’avis que les résidents méritent de savoir comment on les écoute.

Dans le cadre de ma motion, je propose que ce soit les conseillers et conseillères, et non les membres du personnel, qui dirigent cet examen. Il est important de montrer que nous accordons de la valeur à ce que le public a à dire et que nous y répondons.

Text of motion

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Survey: Potential Park Project on St. Claire Ave

Survey: Potential Park Project on St. Claire Ave

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Since elected, I have heard from City View residents and the local community association about limited access to City parks close to home. 

Given the neighbourhood, a new park or green space can only be created if we reclaim land. The dead ends along the back of Merivale's commercial strip have long been considered a natural place to convert into useable green space.

The eastern segment of St. Claire Ave between 14 St. Claire Ave and Starwood Rd has been screened in by city staff as a potential location for conversation to a greenspace that can be used for passive recreation. Please note, that there are no residential properties fronting onto this segment. 

While we are in the earliest phases of investigating this possibility, should we proceed, formal approval from key City stakeholders (emergency response, public works, utilities, etc) and an Environmental Assessment would also be required. Costs are yet to be determined. But my office is prepared to do what it can to understand if this idea can become a reality! 

Please complete this survey to share your thoughts. Responses will be collected until August 30, 2024. My team will create a summary of the findings which will be shared in a report in September. 

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