At the October 4 Planning and Housing Committee meeting, we passed interim Zoning Amendments, until Council adoption of the new Zoning By-law, for the City of Ottawa to be compliant with Bill 23, the Provincial legislation that permits 3 units to be built on every site that has city services. This means that R1 zoning, which restricts building to one home on one lot, is effectively over for many College Ward neighbourhoods. Single units can now be three units, and semi-detached can effectively have 3 units each, for a total of 6 units on one lot. This is a big change, and one I know will be felt by many neighbours in Ottawa. I was sure to share information about the provincial bill during my campaign, and in my first communications in office, but if you missed it, you can find it here: How will Bill 23 affect residents?
Year Two in Review: A Progress Report for College Ward Residents
As part of my commitment to transparency and accountability to College Ward residents, I am pleased to provide a summary of the progressive we've made in our Ward over the past year, as well as a look ahead at the things I hope to accomplish.
Many thanks to residents, Community Associations, small businesses, City staff and my own team for getting all of this done.