Zoning and development application: 2946 Baseline Road

We are seeing our first major development application come to the College Ward office since I was elected. At 2946 Baseline, Brigil is asking for a rezoning to permit for two high rise towers at 32 and 28 stories respectively, and a 9-story mid rise building (Application Details - Development Applications Search (ottawa.ca). We are inviting residents to an online open house on July 19th from 7-830pm.

RSVP at Laine Johnson - 2946 Baseline Open House

This is your opportunity to learn more about the proposed zoning bylaw amendment so that you can inform your comments to Kieran Watson, the lead planner on the file (Development applications feedback form | City of Ottawa). The first round of comments are due by July 31, but there will be additional opportunity to comment between now and the final report to Planning and Housing Committee later this year.

For those interested in understanding City staff's process, you can read the Terms of Reference Design Brief and Planning Rationale.

For myself, I have concerns about the proposed height and massing at this site. A 32-story building would be the first of its kind in the area.

It does meet the City’s Official Plan criteria, which permits up to 40 stories on a main street with the appropriate right-of-way width from the road, which Baseline allows. However, the planning context sees more mid-rise buildings in this area, and so high-rises would need to demonstrate consistency. This could be resolved through a reimagining of the podium, currently at 6 stories, or a revisit of the proposed transitions to the surrounding neighbourhood.

I am also concerned about the implications for transportation, given this site is quite a distance from the nearest major transit station at Algonquin College. Since there are so few amenities, one can only imagine that people will be using their cars for many trips and we want to see viable mode share targets through the area.

The Baseline Rapid Transit Corridor will alleviate some of that congestion over time and I look forward to the timing of that corridor with the final construction of this project. As currently conceived, the project would be completed by 2030.

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Cobden Road speed hump survey results

The Cobden Road Accelerated Neighbourhood Traffic Calming study was initiated in response to speeding concerns raised by the ward Councillor. Upon review, a conceptual plan was prepared which proposed the installation of 3 speed humps on Cobden Road between Baseline Road and Iris Street. An online public consultation was undertaken in the fall of 2024 to share the proposed conceptual plan and seek feedback from residents. The survey was available from October 11th to November 7th, 2024. A total of 143 respondents completed the survey. This report contains the results of the online survey.

Cobden Road Survey Results

St Claire Park

Since elected, I have heard from City View residents and the local community association about limited access to City parks close to home. 

Given the neighbourhood, a new park or green space can only be created if we reclaim land. The dead ends along the back of Merivale's commercial strip have long been considered a natural place to convert into useable green space.

The eastern segment of St. Claire Ave between 14 St. Claire Ave and Starwood Rd has been screened in by city staff as a potential location for conversation to a greenspace that can be used for passive recreation. Please note, that there are no residential properties fronting onto this segment. 

While we are in the earliest phases of investigating this possibility, should we proceed, formal approval from key City stakeholders (emergency response, public works, utilities, etc) and an Environmental Assessment would also be required. Costs are yet to be determined. But my office is prepared to do what it can to understand if this idea can become a reality! 

This past summer, I offered a survey so I could hear your thoughts about the matter. As promised, here's a link to the As We Heard It results of that survey.

Survey: Potential Park Project on St. Claire Ave

Fill out the survey

Since elected, I have heard from City View residents and the local community association about limited access to City parks close to home. 

Given the neighbourhood, a new park or green space can only be created if we reclaim land. The dead ends along the back of Merivale's commercial strip have long been considered a natural place to convert into useable green space.

The eastern segment of St. Claire Ave between 14 St. Claire Ave and Starwood Rd has been screened in by city staff as a potential location for conversation to a greenspace that can be used for passive recreation. Please note, that there are no residential properties fronting onto this segment. 

While we are in the earliest phases of investigating this possibility, should we proceed, formal approval from key City stakeholders (emergency response, public works, utilities, etc) and an Environmental Assessment would also be required. Costs are yet to be determined. But my office is prepared to do what it can to understand if this idea can become a reality! 

Please complete this survey to share your thoughts. Responses will be collected until August 30, 2024. My team will create a summary of the findings which will be shared in a report in September. 

Fill out the survey


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