Third Annual Family Skating Party!
Join us for the Third Annual College Ward Family Skating Party on Sunday, February 23 between 1pm and 3:30pm at Ben Franklin Place.
We’ll have music, food, activities for kiddos and an open house with community services information.
I’m looking forward to seeing you there!
Troisième activité annuelle de patinage en famille!
Joignez-vous à nous pour la troisième activité annuelle de patinage en famille du quartier Collège le dimanche 23 février entre 13 h et 15 h 30 à la place Ben-Franklin.
Nous aurons de la musique, de la nourriture, des activités pour les enfants et une journée portes ouvertes avec des informations portant sur les services communautaires.
Au plaisir de vous y voir!

Public meeting regarding ditch rehabilitation
Save the date! On Monday, March 3rd, 6-8pm, City staff will present their plan to rehabilitate ditches on several City View streets. The in-person meeting will take place in The Chambers at Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe Drive.
You can catch up on the plan at the Project Website.
As the project progresses, there will be subsequent smaller meetings for greater detail in specific work areas. This meeting is intended for all members of the public to come and see the overview of the project, currently planned over several years.
Réunion publique sur la remise en état des fossés
Retenez bien cette date! Le lundi 3 mars, de 18 h à 20 h, le personnel de la Ville présentera son plan de remise en état des fossés de plusieurs rues City View. La réunion en personne aura lieu à The Chambers, à la place Ben-Franklin, au 101, promenade Centrepointe.
Vous pouvez suivre l’évolution du plan sur le site Web du projet. https://ottawa.ca/fr/hotel-de-ville/engagement-du-public/recherche-de-projets-dengagement-du-public/remise-en-etat-des-fosses-dans-le-secteur-de-city-view#section-d86f1669-fe38-4890-bacc-c604da415f5e
Au fur et à mesure que le projet progressera, il y aura ensuite des réunions de plus petite taille afin d’obtenir plus de détails dans des domaines de travail particuliers. Cette rencontre s’adresse à tous les membres du public pour que les résidents puissent voir l’aperçu du projet, actuellement prévu sur plusieurs années.

Year Two Progress Report
As part of my commitment to transparency and accountability to College Ward residents, I am pleased to provide a summary of the progressive we've made in our Ward over the past year, as well as a look ahead at the things I hope to accomplish.
Rapport d’étape de la deuxième année
Dans le cadre de mon engagement envers la transparence et la responsabilisation envers les résidents du quartier Collège, je suis heureuse de fournir un résumé des progrès que nous avons réalisés dans notre quartier au cours de la dernière année, ainsi qu’un aperçu de ce que j’espère accomplir.

Update on the Southern Corridor
Recently, we learned that the Ottawa Southern Corridor was added to the Canada Public Land Bank, a listing of federal surplus and underutilized properties selected because of their potential suitability for housing.
As with most announcements by other levels of government, I was not made aware of this federal decision ahead of time. From what I understand, the proponents will lease from the NCC, and it won’t be sold. Another requirement would be the proposed development would have to serve the community’s purposes and respect the NCC’s mandate as a conservation agency.
I believe if housing was to be considered it would be on the ends of the property (adjacent to major roads) for easy hook up to city services. Planners would need to be sure that any new buildings would not compromise any existing infrastructure.
This is an extremely valuable and meaningful greenspace, so I do not want to see that disappear.
I will continue to engage the Federal government and City Staff to ensure whatever happens here serves the needs of our communities.
I will continue to share new information in my newsletter as I receive it.
Mise à jour concernant le couloir sud
Récemment, nous avons appris que le couloir sud d’Ottawa a été ajouté à la Banque de terrains publics du Canada, une liste des propriétés excédentaires et sous-utilisées fédérales sélectionnées en raison de leur aptitude potentielle au logement.
Comme pour la plupart des annonces faites par d’autres ordres de gouvernement, je n’ai pas été informée de cette décision du gouvernement fédéral à l’avance. D’après ce que je comprends, les promoteurs loueront le terrain de la Commission de la capitale nationale (CCN), et il ne sera pas vendu. Une autre exigence serait que l’aménagement proposé devrait servir les objectifs de la collectivité et respecter aussi le mandat de la CCN en tant qu’organisme de conservation.
Je crois que si des logements devaient être envisagés, ce serait aux extrémités de la propriété (adjacentes aux routes principales) pour faciliter le branchement aux services de la Ville. Les planificateurs devraient s’assurer que les nouveaux édifices ne compromettraient ainsi aucune infrastructure existante.
Il s’agit d’un espace vert extrêmement précieux et pertinent, alors je ne veux pas que cela disparaisse.
Je continuerai de mobiliser le gouvernement fédéral et le personnel de la Ville pour veiller à ce que tout ce qui se passe ici réponde bien aux besoins de nos collectivités.
Je continuerai à vous communiquer de nouvelles informations dans mon bulletin au fur et à mesure que je les recevrai.

Winter operations and on-street parking
After the first big winter weather event in early December, a number of residents expressed their concerns about snow and ice build-up on their streets. They were wondering why their streets appeared unplowed in some spots following the winter storm. The answer is simple: too many cars had been parked on the road.
Parked cars make it very difficult for snowplow operators to navigate residential streets. In narrower spots, plowing becomes impossible altogether, leaving the street looking like it hasn’t been properly maintained. Roads and Parking Services staff do return to the area after the storm to try and clear those locations. But if the cars are still there, they cannot do their job. So, when you hear that a snowstorm is on its way, you can support snow clearing operations by finding off-street parking options. If you can, please ask a friend or neighbour to share their laneway, whether there is a winter weather parking ban or not.
During a winter weather parking ban, the City of Ottawa also has 20 parking lots for residents to park. In College Ward, they are located at Pinecrest Recreation Complex – 2250 Torquay Avenue and Centrepointe Park – 260 Centrepointe Drive. Vehicles may remain parked at these sites for the duration of the ban and must be removed after the City announces that the ban has been lifted. Information on all parking options during a winter weather parking ban is available on ottawa.ca/winterparking. With your help, operators will be able to clear your street from ice and snow in accordance with the City’s Winter Maintenance Quality Standards.
Opérations hivernales et interdictions de stationnement dans les rues
Après le premier grand événement météorologique hivernal au début de décembre, un certain nombre de résidents ont exprimé leurs préoccupations au sujet de l’accumulation de neige ou de glace dans leurs rues. Ils se demandaient pourquoi leurs rues semblaient non déblayées à certains endroits après la tempête hivernale. La réponse est simple : trop de voitures avaient été garées dans les rues.
Les voitures garées font en sorte qu’il est très difficile pour les conducteurs de chasse-neige de naviguer dans les rues résidentielles. Dans les endroits plus étroits, le déneigement devient tout à fait impossible, laissant la rue comme si elle n’avait pas été correctement déneigée. Le personnel des Services des routes et du stationnement retourne dans les zones après la tempête pour essayer de déneiger certains de ces endroits. Mais si les voitures sont toujours là, le personnel de la Ville ne peut pas faire son travail. Ainsi, lorsque vous entendez qu’une tempête de neige est prévue, vous pouvez soutenir les opérations de déneigement en trouvant des options de stationnement hors des rues. Si vous le pouvez, veuillez demander à un ami ou encore à un voisin de vous permettre de vous garer dans son allée, qu’il y ait une interdiction de stationnement en raison des conditions hivernales ou non.
Lors d’une interdiction hivernale de stationnement, la Ville d’Ottawa dispose également de 20 parcs de stationnement pour les résidents. Dans le quartier Collège, ils sont situés au Complexe récréatif Pinecrest (2250, avenue Torquay) et au parc Centrepointe (260, promenade Centrepointe). Les véhicules peuvent rester stationnés à ces endroits pendant la durée de l’interdiction hivernale de stationnement et doivent être retirés après que la Ville a annoncé que l’interdiction a été levée. Des informations sur toutes les options de stationnement pendant une interdiction hivernale de stationnement sont disponibles sur ottawa.ca/stationnementhivernal. Avec votre aide, les opérateurs seront en mesure de nettoyer votre rue de la glace et de la neige conformément aux normes de qualité de l’entretien hivernal de la Ville.

For more information on what to expect during a winter storm, please visit: Snow plowing and clearing | City of Ottawa

Pour plus d’informations sur les interventions lors d’une tempête hivernale, veuillez visiter: Déneigement et déblaiement | Ville d'Ottawa

Prevent frozen pipes
Prevent the water service on your property from freezing with the following alternatives:
- Ensure that your indoor air temperature is kept above 8ºC in all areas that contain water pipes and where your meter is installed. Experience has shown that pipes and meters freeze in buildings that are not adequately heated.
- Determine why your water service pipe is at risk of freezing. If your service is not installed to a proper depth, consider insulating it or having it buried deeper into the ground.
- Turn on one cold-water tap and run it continuously (24 hours per day) at your cost, until April 15. The steady stream of water should be at least the diameter of a drinking straw (1/4" or 0.5 cm).
- Have an emergency water kit or supply available, in case your water service pipe freezes.
Tuyaux gelés
Empêchez le service d’eau sur votre propriété de geler avec les solutions de rechange suivantes :
- Assurez-vous que la température de votre air intérieur est maintenue au-dessus de 8 °C dans toutes les zones qui contiennent des conduites d’eau et où votre compteur est installé. L’expérience a montré que les tuyaux et les compteurs gèlent dans les bâtiments qui sont insuffisamment chauffés.
- Déterminez pourquoi votre conduite de service d’eau risque de geler. Si votre service n’est pas installé à une profondeur appropriée, envisagez de l’isolant ou encore de le faire enfouir plus profondément dans le sol.
- Ouvrez un robinet d’eau froide et faites-le fonctionner en continu (24 heures par jour) à vos frais, jusqu’au 15 avril. Le courant constant d’eau doit avoir au moins le diamètre d’une paille à boire (1/4 de pouces ou 0,5 cm).
- Ayez une trousse d’eau ou un approvisionnement d’urgence en eau à votre disposition, au cas où votre conduite de service d’eau gèle.

Seedy Saturday
The Kilborn Gardeners, together with Just Food and Seeds of Diversity, are delighted to announce that the Ottawa 2025 Seedy Saturday will take place on March 1st, 10-3 at Emmanuel United Church, 691 Smyth Road. Bus Route #55 will bring you straight to the front door!
At the heart of the event is the Seed Exchange Table where you can peruse free donated seed and contribute seeds of your own. Six free garden presentations will run through the course of the day. Seed vendors from across Ontario and Quebec will be sharing their offerings of rare, heirloom seeds. Craft vendors will be offering a range of handmade products and hot lunch and baking.
Up-to-date information on confirmed vendors and the schedule for presentations is available at justfood.ca. More information is available by contacting [email protected].
Samedi des semences
Les Jardiniers Kilborn Gardeners, ainsi que les organismes Alimentation Juste et Seeds of Diversity, sont ravis d’annoncer que le Samedi des semences d’Ottawa de 2025 aura lieu le 1er mars, de 10 h à 15 h, à l’Église unie Emmanuel, 691, chemin Smyth. Le circuit d’autobus 55 vous amènera directement à la porte d’entrée!
Au cœur de l’événement se trouve la table d’échange de semences où vous pouvez obtenir les semences données gratuitement ou apporter vos propres semences. Six présentations de jardin gratuites se dérouleront tout au long de la journée. Des vendeurs de semences de partout en Ontario et au Québec feront part de leurs offres de semences rares et anciennes. Les vendeurs d’artisanat offriront une gamme de produits faits à la main, de plats chauds et de pâtisserie.
Des renseignements à jour portant sur les fournisseurs qui ont confirmé leur participation et le calendrier des présentations sont disponibles sur alimentationjuste.ca. De plus amples renseignements sont disponibles en faisant parvenir un courriel à : avec [email protected].

Ottawa Public Library upcoming events and programs
Nepean Centrepointe Programs – February 2025
We are located at 101 Centrepointe Drive. Hours of operation are listed online: Nepean Centrepointe OPL / Nepean Centrepointe BPO. For information about obtaining a library card, visit a branch or go online at Library card / Carte de bibliothèque. For more information about OPL, visit biblioottawalibrary.ca/en / biblioottawalibrary.ca/fr or phone 613-580-2940.
February programs at our branch are listed below, and more can be found at: Nepean Centrepointe – Find a program / Nepean Centrepointe – Trouver un programme. Online virtual programs, when available, are offered by OPL systemwide at Online - Find a program / En ligne - Trouver un programme. OPL also offers 1-on-1 tutorials on subjects including computers, eBooks, research, & online resources. To book a tutorial, phone 613-580-2940 or visit the following link: Library Tutorial 1:1 / Biblio tête-à-tête.
Children’s programs (ages 0-12)
Programs are drop-in unless otherwise stated.
Stories from the Black Diaspora
Sunday, February 9, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Celebrate Black history month by attending our family storytelling program. This program is offered in partnership with Black History Ottawa www.blackhistoryottawa.org. Children must be accompanied by an adult/guardian.
Chess (ages 7-12)
Saturdays from 1:30 – 3:00 pm
For children 7-12, interested in learning to play chess and finding out more about the game. Teen volunteers will be on hand to help those who are learning!
Monday Morning Family Storytime
Monday, February 3, 10, & 24, 10:30 – 11:00 am
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and their parents or caregivers. Drop-in program.
Tuesday Toddlertime
Tuesdays, Februrary 4, 11, 18, & 25, 10:30 – 11:00 am
Stories, rhymes and songs for toddlers together with their parents or caregivers.
Ages 15 to 35 months. Drop-in program.
Wednesday Toddler Time
Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19 & 26, 10:30 – 11:00 am
Stories, rhymes and songs for toddlers together with their parents or caregivers.
Ages 15 to 35 months. Drop-in program.
Babytime Stay & Play
Thursdays, February 6, 13, 20 & 27, 10:30 – 11:00 am
Stories, rhymes, and songs for babies ages 0-18 months and a parent or caregiver. Stay and Play following Babytime. Meet new friends and play with self-directed toys.
Saturday Family Storytime
Saturday, February 1, 8, & 22, 10:30 – 11:00 am
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. (Storytime on Feb 15 is Spanish-English)
Spanish-English Storytime / Hora de Cuentos; bilingüe en español e inglés
Saturday, February 15, 10:30 – 11:00 am
Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. / Cuentos, rimas y canciones para niños de todas las edades, acompañados de un padre o guardian.
Starry Night Storytime
Monday, February 3, 10 & 24, 6:30 – 7:00 pm
Wear your pajamas, bring along your favourite stuffie, and come get cozy with us!
Play Day/Au jeu!
Friday, February 14 / vendredi,14 fev, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Board games, building blocks, LEGO bricks, and... as many books as you want to read! (Drop-in) / Jeux de société, blocs LEGO et... autant de livres que tu désires en lire! (portes-ouvertes)
PA Day Movie – Frozen Sing Along
Friday, February 14, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Join us for a movie and popcorn! Parental discretion advised. 105 min. English.
Teen programs (ages 13-18)
Programs are drop-in unless otherwise stated.
Weekly Teen Drop-in
Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Every week drop in to the Teen Zone, chat, and see what activity we are working on this week. Weekly activities could include crafts, board games, art projects, and more.
Teen Pride Social
Friday, February 28, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Find community, be yourself, and come hang out with other teens in this monthly drop-in social. Chat, listen to music, or participate in the optional activity. Activities could include board games, origami, making friendship bracelets, or making zines.
Teen Book Club
Saturday, February 22, 3:00 – 4:30 pm
A thematic teen book club for teens by teens. Join in, sit on bean bags, enjoy free snacks, chat, and get a different collectible button at each meeting!
February's theme: Vacation and Travel
Imagine Space Programs (ages 13 and up)
Beginner Inkscape
Thursday, Februay 20, 6:30 – 8:30 pm | Registration Required
What is your next step after completing your laser cutter certification? Want to learn the basics of Inkscape, and leave with a personalized keychain? Register for an absolute beginner's look at Inkscape, an open-source drawing program that enables you to create and edit files for your laser cutter project, or other personal uses. Ages 13 and up.
Adult Programs
Programs are drop-in unless otherwise stated.
Black History Month Film – John Ware Reclaimed
Saturday, February 1, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
John Ware Reclaimed follows filmmaker Cheryl Foggo on her quest to uncover the complex story of John Ware, a Black cowboy and rancher who settled in Alberta prior to the turn of the 20th century. 73 min. English.
Employment Support
Every Monday,10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Are you looking for work? Unemployed or underemployed?
Drop-in to meet one-on-one with an Employment Counsellor from the Pinecrest-Queensway Employment Services team.
Online Resources for Employment Skills Development | Ressources en ligne pour le développement des compétences professionnelles
Tuesday, February 11 & 25, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Need Skills Training to Stand Out from the Crowd? Learn how to access Free Online Courses. Join us for a presentation and Q & A! Offered by Contact North. | Avez-vous besoin de développer des compétences pour vous distinguer? Apprenez comment accéder à des cours en ligne gratuits. Offert par Contact Nord.
Be Mine: Beginner Cricut Valentine’s Crafts
Thursday, February 13, 2:00 – 3:00 pm | Registration Required
Join us for an afternoon of creating Valentine’s Day crafts with the Cricut! Participants will learn the basics of the Cricut Design Space software and use the Cricut Maker 3. We will be creating 2 vinyl and 2 cardstock crafts. Supplies will be provided.
Miniature Gaming
Sunday, February 9, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Interested in miniature gaming with toy soldiers? Join in to play science fiction, high fantasy and historical games. Presented by the Ottawa Miniatures Gamers. Drop-in program for teens and adults ages 12 and up. All materials will be supplied.
Memory Cafe
Monday, February 10, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
An open house for persons with dementia, their care partners, and families. Fun and stimulating mental activities are planned to enhance the social interactions and connections built within the group. Light snacks and warm drinks are served alongside items that aim to spark conversations and reminiscing.
Ottawa PC Users’ Group: Organizing Your Photos
Saturday, February 15, 2:00 – 3:00 pm | Registration Required
Learn various ways you can organize your photos on your computer or in the cloud. You should be able to find even your oldest photos quickly and easily. Understand how to create backups so your photos are protected against theft, fire, or other disasters. Learn how to create a free on-line photo album using Flickr.
Club de lecture
Les mardis, 11 février, 18 h 30 à 20h | Inscription requise
Participez à des rencontres sociales pour discuter d’une grande variété de livres sélectionnés par les membres du club de lecture. Cette activité est ouverte à tous. Les personnes inscrites ont la responsabilité d’obtenir un exemplaire du livre à lire ou à écouter. février: Qimmik par Michel Jean
Nepean Centrepointe Book Club
Thursday, February 13, 1:30 - 3:00 pm | Registration Required
Come meet to enjoy and discuss a wide variety of books selected by book club members. All are welcome! February’s book: The Drowning Woman by Robin Harding.
Sci-Fi Fantasy Book Club
Thursday, February 20, 7:00 – 8:30 pm | Registration Required
Join us to discuss books from the science fiction and fantasy genres each month. All are welcome! February’s book: The Ferryman by Justin Cronin
English Conversation Group
Tuesdays, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Wednesdays, 10:30 – 11:30 am
Thursdays, 10:30 – 11:30 am
Do you need a casual, friendly environment where you can practice your English-speaking skills? Look no further than the English Conversation Group! Receive guidance from our experienced conversation group leaders, meet new people, and gain confidence in your English speaking.
Afternoon Social
Every Wednesday, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Looking for a way to relax and meet other people? Stop in for a casual weekly gathering at the library where we play cards, Monopoly, Uno, Scrabble and more! All supplies are provided.
Genealogy Drop-In
Tuesday, February 11 and 25, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Want to learn more about your family history or getting stuck working on your family tree? Drop-in to work on your family tree, share research strategies, and discover what resources are available for your research. Specialists from the Ontario Genealogical Society Ottawa Branch and the Ottawa Public Library will answer questions and help you get the most from library resources.
Centennial, your local Ottawa Public Library branch in Bells Corners:
We are located at 3870 Old Richmond Rd. Hours of operation are listed online: Centennial OPL / Centennial BPO. For information about obtaining a library card, visit a branch or go online at Library card / Carte de bibliothèque. For more information about OPL, visit biblioottawalibrary.ca/en / biblioottawalibrary.ca/fr or phone 613-580-2940.
February programs at our branch are listed below, and more can be found at: Centennial - Find a program / Centennial - Trouver un programme. Online virtual programs, when available, are offered by OPL systemwide at Online - Find a program / En ligne - Trouver un programme. OPL also offers 1-on-1 tutorials on subjects including computers, eBooks, research, & online resources. To book a tutorial, phone 613-580-2940 or visit the following link: Library Tutorial 1:1 / Biblio tête-à-tête.
Children's programs at Centennial
Babytime with Stay & Play
Stories, songs & rhymes for babies. After 30 minutes of storytime, feel free to socialize and play with the toys.
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30am
Ages 1-18 months
Toddlertime with Stay & Play
Stories, songs & rhymes for toddlers. After 30 minutes of storytime, feel free to socialize and play with the toys.
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30am
Ages 19-35 months
Family Storytime with Stay & Play
Stories, songs & rhymes for all children of all ages. After 30 minutes of storytime, feel free to socialize and play with the toys.
Thursdays, 10:30-11:30am
Frozen® Party
Celebrate Disney's Frozen with stories, crafts and ribbon dance to the song "Let It Go".
Saturday, February 1, 10:30-11:30am
Ages 4+
Registration required (register here).
Agventure: Henrietta Hen
Welcome some poultry from the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum into your library visit! Listen to them cluck and coo, touch their soft feathers and watch them scratch and peck. Through fun educational activities, participants explore the characteristics, needs and lifecycle of these barnyard favourites.
Ages 4+
Register for one session.
Session 1: Saturday, February 8, 10:30-11:10am (register here)
Session 2: Saturday, February 8, 11:30am-12:10pm (register here)
Marble Runs and Mazes!
Calling all engineers! Come design, build and test our structures as we create marble runs and mazes. Discover science in action. We supply the materials.
Saturday, February 22, 10:30-11:30am
Ages 7+
Registration required (register here).
Dungeons & Dragons
Join us for a session of Dungeons and Dragons. Beginners and experienced players welcome. Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy role playing game in which your characters explore the world, solve puzzles and fight monsters.
Tuesday, February 25, 6:00-7:30pm
Ages 9-12
Registration required (register here).
Adult programs at Centennial
Do you like to knit, crochet, or do handwork? Join like-minded individuals for an afternoon of crafting. Bring any project you are working on.
Tuesdays, 2:00-4:00pm
Board Games & Brain Teasers
Bring your friends & family for cards, board games, & brain teasers! We have many games including Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, King of Tokyo, Dutch Blitz, Bananagrams, Monopoly, Scrabble, Chess, & more! You may also bring some of your own. Brain teasers include puzzles, riddles, & Rubik's cubes.
Tuesdays, February 4 & 18, 5:30-8:00pm
For adults, seniors, teens, & families
Quilling Paper Valentines
Paper quilling is delicate paper art made from paper strips rolled into coils. Learn how to make a paper quilled Valentine's Day card for a loved one. No experience required. Supplies are provided, but spaces are limited.
Thursday, February 6, 6:00-7:30pm
Registration required (register online)
Book Chat - Fire Weather
Join us for a lively discussion of Fire Weather by John Vaillant.
Wednesday, February 12, 1:30-3:00pm
Fun With Fonts - The Science and Art of Typography
Dive into the world of typography with Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users’ Group. Chris will demystify terminology of typography and explore its rich history. Learn what makes a typeface readable, how to combine multiple typefaces, and the emotions different fonts can evoke. Whether your next project is a greeting card, poster, newsletter, business card, logo, or anything else that incorporates text, Chris can help you avoid common typographic pitfalls. Practical tips will be shared to choose the right typeface, create appealing and readable text, and more. For the design novice or seasoned pro, this presentation will enhance your appreciation and understanding of typography’s impact.
Thursday, February 20, 6:00-8:00pm
Registration required (register online)
Film: Someone Like Me
In Sean Horlor and Steve J. Adams’ feature doc Someone Like Me, Drake, a young gay man from Uganda, leaves behind everything he knows to attain the universal freedoms everyone deserves: to be who he is and love whomever he chooses without fear of discrimination, persecution, or violence. A group of queer strangers unite to resettle Drake in Vancouver, but they are tasked with a year-long commitment to someone they’ve never met, and struggle with the challenging conditions of this support. Together, Drake and his sponsors embark on an emotional journey in search of personal freedom, revealing how in a world where one must constantly fight for the right to exist, survival itself becomes a victory.
- 80 minutes. English.
Courtesy of the National Film Board
Saturday, February 22, 2:30pm
Journals & Planners / Journaux créatifs et agendas
Putting your brain to paper, whatever the medium, is a great way to increase productivity, self-awareness, or simply de-stress. Bring your journal, notebook or planner of choice and join us in a welcoming & creative environment. Some basic creative planner supplies provided; no experience required.
Organiser ses pensées sur papier, quel que soit le support, est un excellent moyen d'augmenter la productivité, la conscience de soi ou tout simplement de se détendre. Apportez votre journal, votre carnet ou l'agenda de votre choix et rejoignez-nous dans un environnement accueillant et créatif. Quelques fournitures de base pour agendas créatifs sont fournies ; aucune expérience n'est requise.
Wednesday, February 26, 6:15-8:15pm / Le mercredi 26 février, 18h15 à 20h15
Drop-in/portes ouvertes
Visit BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca or call 613-580-2940 for the most up-to-date information about upcoming programs!

Call, write, and stay up to date
As City Councillor, my team and I can help you with issues that fall within the municipal areas of responsibility: local traffic calming; infrastructure like sidewalks, roads, and bike lanes; municipal tax statements; some social services; parks and recreation; and more. Please note that I cannot help you with parking tickets or other provincial infractions - to attempt to do so is illegal.
Here's how to stay up to date on College Ward news and events, and to contact me:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: college-ward.ca
Twitter: @laine_johnson1
Facebook: lainejohnson.college
Pour nous appeler, nous écrire et vous informer
Mon équipe et moi, en tant que conseillère municipale, pouvons vous aider avec les questions qui relèvent des domaines de responsabilité municipale : la modération de la circulation locale, les infrastructures comme les trottoirs, les routes et les bandes cyclables, les relevés d’imposition municipale, certains services sociaux, les parcs et services récréatifs et plus encore. Veuillez noter que je ne peux vous aider en ce qui concerne les contraventions de stationnement ou les infractions provinciales – le faire serait illégal.
Pour connaître les nouvelles et événements du quartier Collège et communiquer avec moi :
Courriel : [email protected]
Site Web : quartier-college.ca
Twitter : @laine_johnson1
Facebook : lainejohnson.college